June 25, 2010


On our next adventure to the supermarket, we searched for another tropical fruit to try. This time, we stumbled upon the coconuts. They looked appealing and seeing them reminded me of being somewhere tropical, instead of being in the currently dismal weather of Boston. Anthony and I looked at each other and immediately knew that this had to be the fruit we were going to try next. Back in the kitchen, we struggled to get the coconut open. We tried sawing it open with a knife. Of course, the shell did not budge. Frustrated, we decided to try with a hammer and screw driver. With one swift bang by the hammer to the screw driver, the shell cracked and an even line formed around the middle of the coconut. With a pull we got the two halves separated. Immediately, a transparent white-colored liquid dripped out from inside. Eager to try the milk, I held a the half containing liquid up to my lips and took a sip. I was quickly repulsed by the bitter tasting liquid. Maybe the second sip would be better? Nope. I gave up on drinking the milk. After dumping out the liquid, I decided to slice off a piece of the flesh. Plopping the piece into my mouth, I was greeted with an unusual texture and a bland taste. After chewing on it for a few seconds, I had to spit it out. Quite disappointed with the coconut, but enjoying the appearance of the fruit, we decided to create a candle holder out of the coconut (see picture above). Although I would never buy this fruit again to eat, I did enjoy the fresh and tropical aroma that the fruit released.



Anna said...

I wonder if the coconut was just a bad one? It's usually really delicious to have fresh coconut.. Maybe you could revisit this later. Also, I tried pineapple on pork after reading the entry on the fruit and it was so delicious. Thanks for the idea. :)

Anthony_Bri said...

Thanks! The coconut was fresh, it just has a disagreeable texture in the absence of any other food I think. Pineapple on pork sounds delicious (for me anyway, Bri is a vegan).

If you don't mind our asking, which Anna are you? We know a few but we aren't sure exactly who you are! Thanks!

Anna said...

Sorry for the delay in replying. I didn't check this for a while. But I'll give you just the first three letters of my last name since this is the Internet- Rod. :P

Anthony_Bri said...

Haha sweet :)! Thanks for reading!!
