July 18, 2010

Donut Peach

Sometimes also called a "saucer peach", donut peaches are so named simply for their donut-like shape. These flat and round fruits are in the category of white peaches, meaning their flesh is white. Unlike the more commonly eaten (in the U.S. anyway) yellow peaches, white peaches are said to be sweeter and milder, lacking much of the tanginess of yellow peaches. Unable to ascertain the ripeness of the donut peaches we saw, we selected one that gave slightly to pressure. In hindsight, it was a bit shy of optimum ripeness for us, but still enjoyable. We cut the flesh open and, as expected, it was white and similar in appearance to that of an apple. The taste was indeed mild and sweet, and did not posses any of the sharp tanginess characteristic of "typical" peaches. In fact, the flavor tasted not completely unlike that of an apple. Overall, it was quite good though, as mentioned, it was a bit shy of optimum ripeness. Either that, or the texture of the donut peach was different from that of yellow peaches. In any case, it was a tiny bit dry and brittle like an unripe yellow peach. Next time we will try to better assess the ripeness before we purchase one.


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