July 18, 2010

Fruit Juice

I'm dedicating this post to discussing all of the fruit juices I've had in my life. I'm going to review several juices and offer my favorites. Bri will do the same in this post as well.

  • Orange: A classic, this acidic tasting juice comes with varying amount of pulp. I prefer the no pulp variety. Orange juice is sweet, but also very tangy and acidic. As such, I find it excellent for quenching thirst. I enjoy orange juice most when it is very cold, and when I have food to eat with it to counterbalance its acidity. 
  • Lemonade: Few things can be as refreshing as lemonade on a hot day. Most of us are willing to shell out 6 dollars to watch a street vendor squeeze fresh lemons into a cup of ice water, and with good reason. The delicious tanginess and sweetness of lemon juice is virtually unmatched in terms of refreshment. Home-made lemonade is easy to make and requires only a citrus squeezer, cold water, and sugar. 
  • Pineapple: A childhood favorite of mine, pineapple is a sweet pulpy juice with a refreshing tropical taste. Pineapple juice is definitely best served cold. It is very sweet but also slightly acidic.
  • Guava: I recently tried guava juice by accident and was pleasantly surprised. I found that it was sweet, but also very slightly bitter. Its flavor was hard to place, but it was definitely tropical. I suppose it bear some similarly to pineapple flavor, but yet it was unique in many ways.
  • Grape: Another favorite from my childhood, grape juice is simply delicious and sweet. I find it to be lighter and less filling than the others and thus easy to drink vast quantities of it.
  • Pomegranate: Said to be a "superfruit", I'd rather get my antioxidants elsewhere. I find its juice too bitter and tart to enjoy (at least on its own), making it one of the few fruit juices I don't enjoy. 
  • Cranberry: Cranberry juice is a sweet, but very tart juice. I do enjoy it on its own most of the time, but I find it better served as companion to other fruit juices. 
  • Apple: I've saved my favorite for last. Though not the most exciting fruits on their own, apples yield a delicious, perfectly balanced juice. Apple juice is sweet and is not vexed with any other unpleasant flavors. Its sweetness is not overwhelming like some juices which irritate my throat and make me feel gross. Apple juice contains the perfect amount of flavor and when I'm hot, nothing in the world beats a freezing cold glass of apple juice with tiny ice crystals beginning to form on the surface of the juice.  
  • Lemonade: One of my favorite juices is lemonade. The best brand that I have ever had is no doubt Newman's Own Lemonade. I love the tartness of this brand. Another thing I enjoy about this lemonade is the delicious amount of pulp in it.  
  • Orange: I go through phases where I drink orange juice a lot. It's my favorite juice to drink with breakfast (on the rare occasions that I even eat breakfast). However, the acidity of orange juice often upsets my stomach. I do, however, love the orange juice that is packed with pulp. The one thing that I noticed recently is that some orange juices contain omega 3 fish oil so it is not vegan and something I need to watch out for.
  • Apple: I love apple juice! It's been one of my favorites since I was a child. Nowadays, I love drinking Cloudy Apple juice. I also LOVE drinking apple cider in the fall, either hot or cold. 
  • Cranberry: Despite its tartness, cranberry juice offers a sweet and dry taste. I'm not a huge fan of the juice but I enjoy it on occasion, especially mixed with some seltzer water. 

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