July 7, 2010


On a journey up to The Big Apple in Wrentham, Massachusetts, we decided that we would pick raspberries for the first time. The raspberries were strewn very sparsely amongst the short bushes so we spent a while trying to fill our container. Once we brought them home and thoroughly washed them, we left them out so we could eat them as we pleased. The raspberries supplied us with a sweet aroma similar to other berries I have tried. They are very sweet but at the same time very tart depending on their ripeness. They are very seedy so they are not as easy to chew as other berries but nonetheless, I enjoyed them.
Worried that the raspberries would go bad before we finished them all, we decided to try making some homemade jam. After looking at some recipes online, we got a general idea of ingredients to use and put together our own recipe. We decided to only use a small portion of our remaining raspberries because we were unsure as to how the jam would come out.
Raspberry Jam
1 Cup of Raspberries
2/3 Cup of Sugar
2/3 Tbs of Lemon Juice
Dump the raspberries in a medium sauce pot and mush them until they are evenly flattened and mashed against the bottom of the pot. Next, boil the raspberries with the sugar. Once the mixture starts to boil, add the lemon juice. Keep boiling until it gets to the consistency you like. Then pour it into a container and refrigerate until it is cool enough to eat.

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