July 30, 2010

Kiwano (Horned Melon)

This spiny orange-colored fruit looked exciting and beckoned for us to try it. We were careful while handling it because the outside of fruit is difficult to hold due to the little horns on the skin. Not knowing what to do with the fruit, we sliced it in half. The inside looked gooey and jelly-like and is a bright green hue. Inside the fruit are many watermelon-sized white seeds. Each seed was in an individual green sac of the fruit. Anthony and I each held up a half of the fruit to our mouths and sucked on it to try and pierce the little green sacs of fruit. On first contact with my mouth, the green fruit tasted sour. After researching online, most websites said to squeeze the fruit out of the melon. So I squeezed the outside of the melon while it was in my mouth and out came a disgusting jello-flavored liquid. I do not understand how people could eat this fruit because it was nearly impossible to chew. I could not swallow any of it because it would not dissolve in my mouth or with my vigorous attempt at masticating it. I agree that this fruit would be a better decoration rather than something I would ever buy to eat again.


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